Introducing a finance API for the future

Making finance teams fantastic. Offer transaction reconciliation, within your CRM platform, directly from any bank. Client fees, procuration fees, adviser commission and introducer pay away have never been so simple.

What we deliver

Customised onboarding for
compatibility and usability with all
finance CRMs, brokers, and banks

Earn more per user

Provide a solution that finance teams never knew they needed; reducing staffing costs and human error with automated reconciliation.

Selective transaction fetching

Firms connect to their business bank


Drive transaction data directly into CRM

Our REST API includes flexible endpoints


Reconciliation dashboard

Frontend can be delivered as a headless provision if required


Custom Finance Reporting

Earn additional subscription fees per user/mo in SaaS fees




Manual Reconciliation

  • Accounting platform
  • CRM
  • Spreadsheets
  • Handwritten notes
  • Human memory
  • Technical training